Thursday, May 10, 2012



The getting up every morning and seeing your loved ones gather at the breakfast table;
Waving and kissing goodbyes for the day.
Going to the shops for dinners grocery shopping;
Playing with the children on a Sunday afternoon;
Trying on a new pair of shoes for the first time and walking around with for 3o seconds and then kicking them off.
Telling someone you see everyday how much you love them;
Your baby saying their first word or taking their first walking step;
That special moment when someone goes down on one knee;
Waking up every Monday morning and thinking ohh God I hate Mondays;
Going for a picnic with friends and family and sharing all the good moments and memories;Putting on a sexy number for the Friday night out with friends;
There is so much love and things to live for.
Being completely mad at someone for 60 seconds and then be in love with them for the rest of the day
Your dog jumping on your bed every morning and having breakfast brought to your bed.
Watching your children grow and your parent's hair grow grey'
Walking barefoot on the beach sand;
Feeling the sun rays pinch your skin;
When a total stranger smiles at you for no reason;
Receiving 5%discount on your favorite item .
Learning how to say hello in a different language;
Its the little things that make life worth while
Make these memories last forever,choose whats best for your family and your business

Doing this shoot was so much much for me.She was a great model to work with .I was hoping to achieve that high commercial fashion photography that we see on pamphlets for clothing stores and I believe that I achieved what I was hoping for.

I have always been passionate about fashion and I am fascinated about the dramatic make up that goes with it.This is one of the images that caught my attention.I feel that the photographer did a great job in lighting these models.John Rankin is one of the photographers that inspire me and I love his work.
Photographer 2nd image:John Rankin
Web address for the image:http//

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Magazine cover

Were asked to design a magazine cover for our digital manipulation and this is the outcome.

Awareness poster

This is an awareness poster .I decided to do one on child abuse because it is a subject that is very close to my heart.I do not understand how people abuse such an innocent being,what makes it even worse is that the statistics are going up instead of going down.

Architecture at dusk

A feeling of being consumed by life

We were asked to portray different feelings and I decided to show someone who is consumed by life.I chose to do it in series because I wanted to show that nothing can really consume you and can't break free from it.


This was one of those pictures that were not planned for.A friend of mine was just playing around and when I came in I took over the shoot and this was the outcome .I had so much fun doing this.


We were asked to do an advert an I did not know what to do ,so I ended up settling for this one.

Jewellery art

This is one of my favorite pictures I've ever done ,it was supposed to be advertising jewellery but it looks totally different.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


As a woman ,going through things in life is part of our daily lives,whether is good or bad.most people go through the most disturbing things ,but life does not have to end there .The show must go on.We all have stains of our past but what counts is focusing on the colorful ones which make us strong and proud of who we are.Our lives are not in the past.The past is called the past because everything has passed .It does not matter where we have been what matters is we are here and living a positive life and she is PROUD of who she is and where she has been.


Women are considered to be very fussy about the way they look and they tend to let their insecurities stand in the way.The ideas was to portray a woman who is insecure and her insecurities are tying her down ,it makes her feel disconnected to everything around her and she has low self esteem.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Getting somewhere

Some of the work from my assignment.I am happy about the outcome since I was not too sure what to do with these garments because  they are too simple and very casual . It's something that is a bit out of my league but I am happy.

Friday, March 9, 2012


ENVY:To rsent another for excellence or superiorty in any way ,and to be desirous of enquring it.Envy is wishin you had an emotion .example :I see someone waterskeing,and I am envious of th egleeful the person has.You cannot envy an object.Envy is of the people who use th eobject.I am not of  a Corvette,Iam of a person who owns a Corvette because I would like the emotions of glee ,power,and speed that come wit drivingn it(

It is associated with green        

Its associated with a dog


SLOTH:Laziness is giving to the desire of do nothing.Being lazy can mean avoiding something else;whatever the hard thing is that you want to avoid doing .Resting between you labor hours and in fact a commandment(keep the Sabbath Holy stop&smell the flowers ,God made them). Taking laziness too far is avoidance of undesirable tasks including thinking is sloth.
its associated wit the color light blue

It is associated with the goat


LUST: to feel an intense desire ,especially sexual desire,to after or for.Lust is horny.It is a normal motivation .It is when you see a really attractive person and want to hold them and make mad,passionate love to them,to touch their skin and feel the curves of their body next to yours.Lust is not sex.Lust is blind to consequences.Have I been lustful enough to rape,if not physically what about in your mind?(

  Is associated with the color purple

Its also associated with the cow


GLUTTONY:is excessive consumption of something.This usually relates to eating too much ,but broadly speaking it's any time you use more than is your right to.This is not greed(desire for power power over others). This is the mistreatment of your own body and the absorption of constantly doing something.Its possible to glutton in the use of video games ;you're using the entertainment as brain candy( 05/03/2012
 Gluttony is associated with the color orange.
It also associated with a pig.



We were asked to some research on seven deadly sins for our years assignment for our applied digital photography.We have to find information that might inspire us for this assignment

GREED:is wishing you had more power over people around you .This comes from having money or valuable objects.Greed is wanting to force someone to what we want.Money is the universal solvent ,enough of it can make anyone do anything.Wisdom is knowing what your price is.Greed,is obsession with power,can drive out all the positive forces in your life,even if you think you objective is a just one.( on05/03/2012

Greed is normally associated with the color yellow

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I had so much fun with this one but I had the hardest time with the lighting ,its not really what I wanted  but it turned out good.Cant wait to do  more shoots like this.


I had so much fun on this shoot.She was such a great model to work with.The lighting was just amazing it was late afternoon around 5:30

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


our first assignment from tech .I had so much fun shooting this assignment .I did two shoots ,I went in the morning and late afternoon and this is the results.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Aday at work ,NK FASHION SHOW

this is Stefanie a friend I made at the show.

This is one of the dresses that I really liked ,Pitty the weather was so bad and the background is not so good.